Friday, February 18, 2011

Romans 8:38
"And I am convinced that nothing can seperate us from His love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away..."

So when I said "wild" about youth alpha on Tuesday...that was an understatement! But according to Jenny, Ashley and Julie who know these children was a pretty average night! So the evening starts at 7:30pm and goes until about 9:00pm and it's mainly just a hang out time broken up by fifteen minutes of bible time. The girls were easier to connect with as a bunch of us taught them 'Spoons' (a card game) and chatted. The boys were very loud and hard to control...throwing things at eachother, shouting and swearing. When the time came for us to share worship music they were still talking and acting silly and when Hannah was sharing her testimony we couldn't get them quiet. Ashley and Jenny sat down with us after and apologized for the behaviour. It was discouraging but we were reminded that only God knows what's going on in their lives and hearts. The next evening was polar opposite! We had a time before it started in prayer which we hadn't really done in the chaos of the day before. The youth watched our 'Lifehouse' skit attentively (with a few comments here and there) and even participated in questions after. Larissa shared her testimony and they were very quiet for that too! What an answer to prayer! Even Ashley was surprised at how good they were!
Then last night the team went out to the movies with the youth and it was once again wild! They were literally rolling down the aisles and climbing onto strangers' laps and under their legs throughout the entire movie! It was comical but embarassing for the team and for Ashley and Robert who came to supervise. People were obviously not happy in the theatres.The worst part was walking back to Friendship House as they scattered and ran and hid in alleyways and down the road! God definitely protected everyone though!
The Kid's Club has been going great during the day! Today was our last one and all of the kids joined in our camp songs and games and then we had a scavenger hunt which went pretty smoothly! Kevin did a little dance at the end and then all of the kids started dancing! Megan joked that it was like the ending of a movie when they start music and everyone joins in! It was great! We have fallen in love with the children here and they love having us around too! Usually a bunch of kids stay longer just to hang out with us! We pray that God will not only work in their young hearts but also in the hearts of their parents and families. One girl in particular (Ashley was sharing) was interested in becoming a Christian and giving her life to God but her dad didn't approve and just like that she didn't want anything to do with God anymore.
Tonight half of us are practising for the service we're hosting on Sunday and half of us are going to hang out with teenagers at the local club where they go for the evening. Thanks for your prayers! (I added a few pictures if you scroll to the bottom of the page!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Everyone,
    It sounds like the Alpha group has been an adventure to say the least! We hope and pray that you will be encouraged to know that God is using you beyond even what you see or understand! That is the kind of God we serve.
    It's great to hear the connections you have made with the children there. We will pray for continued impact in the days and weeks ahead as seeds are planted.
    We've also heard great reports regarding the way you are serving! Thanks for your testimony to the people there. Looking forward to seeing you in just over a week! Keep pressing on. It's worth it.


